Committees & Work Groups
Becoming involved in a committee is one of the best ways to enhance your NOMMA experience. Committee participation provides countless networking and leadership development opportunities. Participating in a committee is also a rewarding way to gain a better understanding of the association. To join a committee, send an email to the chair below, or contact the NOMMA office.
Code Advocacy & Education
Lead code representative: Tom Zuzik Jr.
Code Advisory Team: Maciej Jankowski, Peter Zadrozinski
Deck Coalition Representative: Brad Adsit
ANSI1264 Workplace Barriers Representative: Mark Koenke NAAMM-NOMMA Manuals: Ed Powell
Fabricator Editorial Advisory Board
Terry Barrett, Pinpoint Solutions, Jupiter, FL
Doug Bracken, Wiemann Metalcraft, Tulsa, OK
Chris Holt, Steel Welding, Freedom, PA
Rob Rolves, Foreman Fabricators, St. Louis, MO
Membership Development
Chair: Anthony Goodings Joseph Alves
Travis Dollaway
Nick Toll
Top Job Awards
Chair: Christian DeFrancesco
METALfab Conference
Co-Chairs: Peter Zadrozinski & Greg Brockman
Conference Education
Co-Chairs: Kym Nosbisch & Mark Whalen